TEF Health Swedish Node

The Swedish node is composed of 2 main partners: Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), and is co-funded by Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova.

The Swedish node is led by KI and Daniel Lundqvist, director of CIR (Centre for Imaging Research), and is in charge of WP9, Use Cases & Demonstrators, coordinated by Andreas Gerhardsson, CIR.

Johanna Furuhjelm, CIR, is coordinating the Swedish node and ensures the cohesion between the whole consortium and all the Swedish partners: RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), KI (Karolinska Institutet), CIR (Centre for Imaging Research), and SciLifeLab.

More information about each partner can be found on the EIT Health community platform.