TEF-Health Call #1

EU Startups and SMEs will gain access to services offered by Portuguese TEF-Health partners

This project aims to support developers in healthcare Artificial Intelligence and robotics sector, enabling them to bring trustworthy AI solutions to the market with increased efficiency, and fostering their widespread adoption across Europe.

What is TEF Health?

The European Commission has co-funded an initiative to set up Testing and Experimentation facilities (TEFs) for Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics and Healthcare is one of the targeted sectors in addition to agri-Food, manufacturing and smart Cities & communities. Thus, TEF-Health aims to provide expertise and assistance to small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and innovators, promoting the transfer of research innovations to healthcare applications. The TEF-health consortium consists of seven nodes and two associate nodes encompassing 51 partners. The project started on 1 January 2023, and is supported by the EC and national funding agencies with a total of about €60 million.

Main goal

Boost implementation of AI-driven solutions into healthcare by providing services and tools for validation and certification of the latest technology while ensuring compliance with relevant legal, ethical, quality, and interoperability standards and requirements.


Combination of physical and virtual facilities, in which technology providers can get support to test theirfacilities latest AI-based soft-/hardware technologies in real-world environments. This will include support for full integration, testing and experimentation of latest AI-based technologies to solve issues/improve solutions in a given application sector, including validation and demonstration.

Prioritized disease domains

As a direct response to the need of reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) the TEF-Health consortium will be focusing on the four following disease domains, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and intensive care. These domains all represent healthcare challenges that involve enormous consequences on European societal burden, both in terms of economy, individual suffering, and individual independence.

Swedish Node

Swedish Node